We carefully select qualified suppliers to ensure the maximum reliability of our products.
We carefully deal with confidential and strategic information of our customers. They rely on us because they know they can count on our support in all phases of the development and production process, establishing a real partnership.
We believe in future, in fact about 10% of our turnover is invested in Research & Development activities. To be always up to date on latest news (Hardware and Software) and frequent Regulation changes, our Technical Area resources regularly attend refresher courses and seminars as motivation and encouragement to professional growth.
Our Resources operate and interact in a healthy environment that respects regulations for safety at work. The Production Dept. staff is equipped with materials complying with the ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) regulations.
Our philosophy is eco-friendly. We constantly control the energy efficiency of our production sites and offices in order to minimize environmental impact. We use eco-compatible materials, we recycle production waste but, above all, we create products complying with energy saving regulations.

  • Logika Control Vision_Confidential info management
  • Logika Control Vision_Qualified suppliers and partners
  • Logika Control Vision_Staff Training
  • Logika Control Vision_Human Resources Defense and Enhancement
  • Logika Control Vision_Gestione Eco-friendly
  • Logika Control Vision_Energy saving

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